“There's no use telling the America people the truth when they don't even accept the fact that the Vatican is running the country.” — wacky Amateur Radio operator

Yes, they're back on the air, spewing forth venomous hate-filled speech. There's much to be learned, too. For example, did you know that we're fighting a Papal Proxy War in Iraq? And that the Catholic Church is working to destroy the Jews, the Muslims, the Protestants and liberal Catholics?

This Iowan Amateur Radio operator tonight has proclaimed interesting tidbits of “fact:”

1. The Patriot Act is part of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church;
2. The Roman Catholic Church tries to deter believers from reading the Bible;
3. Ecumenism is the Catholic Church's plot to take over Protestant religions;
4. President George W. Bush will not leave office at the end of his term; the Administration will invent a terrorist event and instill marshal law, suspend the U.S. Constitution and the Pope will crown the president as one of the Papal Kings of The New World Order.
5. Terrorism isn't real, its the creation of the Catholic Church.

It's just another night on 3944 kHz.

Someone with a very big signal is QRM'ing the Iowa ham and his Texas or Arkansas buddy. The usual QRM'ers inject various sound effects, including chiming koo-koo clocks. The conversation is now focused on how most QRM'ers are Extra Class licensees.

Enough time fooling with these guys, I'm going to run down to the far end of the band.

73 … de KY4Z … dit dit …