The Continuing Saga of the ‘Cleaning of the Shack’ …*,.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

When I have a chance I have continued to sort and throw stuff away in the shack. And its been amazing the kind of stuff I’ve found tucked away in a box or carton or drawer.

For example, I found three boxes of ammo I bought when I bought my wife and I new handguns. I ran across a photo of my wife and I from nearly 40 years ago.

I also found the American Tele-Key sideswiper key I bought on eBay for a princely sum several years ago. I don’t know if the company didn’t make very many of these keys or if they weren’t popular, or a combination of both. I’ve only seen a couple of these keys pass through eBay in recent years, and they aren’t just uncommon, but they’re apparently also in demand.

I’ve tried using a sideswiper type key before, and trust me, if you think my “regular” fist sounds QLF, you should hear my CW sent with a sideswiper! Yikes!

STUDIO C COMPUTER JUNK. I have a PC I bought some years ago and ready to run up in Studio C; I even have a great monitor to go with it. But what I don’t have are cables — both units had no A/C cords, and I didn’t have a video cable.

The A/C cables came today, and I was excited to take them upstairs and fire up my Studio C computer. The problem was that what I believed was a video cable was not — it was a DB9 peripheral cable! Ack! And I can’t for the life of me locate an unused video cable in this house, so I’m heading to the local Radio Shack tomorrow for a video cable.

I took time and checked the output on the IC-756PRO on all bands, and boy howdy, it was over 100 watts on all bands. I have to say how much I enjoy listening to the PRO and PROII. I’m seriously considering selling the rigs — including my Yaesu FTDX3000 — and buying an Icom IC-7610.

I’ve been studying the IC-7600 vs. the IC-7610, and the differences are substantial. The IC-7600 is simply showing its age; the 7610 is much updated. I would consider buying one new. I’m not certain where I would run the rig however; Studio A or B. I do more operating from Studio A these days, but I do a lot of listening here in Studio B. Well, the first step is to sell the rigs, right?

I still use the Yaesu FT-2000 most nights, and I still enjoy using it. But after using the Icoms, I really miss using it and the bandscope. The IC-7610 has a similar footprint as the IC-756PRO series, its just been updated for the 21st Century.

73 es CUL de KY4Z …. SK … SK …. (dit dit) ….