Still off the air (sigh!) …

Friday, Aug. 27, 2021

My station remains off the air while the dipole that serves Studio C is laying on the ground. I go to the shack each evening and monitor my Georgia CW traffic net.

I’ve been scrounging up small items to sell on eBay, and so far I’ve sold all of the extra HTs I had been hanging onto (but never using). I could probably sell all of my VHF/UHF mobile rigs too, I have a 2-meter copper j-pole in the shack but it isn’t connected to anything.

Part of the delay is due to delays getting my garage built; i have a crew that’s been delayed to come to my QTH and build a metal building. They’re supposed to arrive Monday. Here’s hoping.

I think I’m going to install an eye-hook at the apex of the house and use that as a point to be the center hanger for my inverted vee. One end will go to the tree on the rear side of my house, the other end … well, once the garage is built I’ll have to have it go over the garage to the barn.

IDIOTS ON THE AIR. I still find myself surprised by the stupidity level among my fellow hams when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines and all the whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories about the virus, masks and vaccines.

One of the hams I listen to was promoting the use of Ivermectin, a livestock de-wormer, to treat COVID-19. I’ve heard one ham saying that 400 people died in one week after receiving a COVID vaccination. When asked how the community wasn’t suspicious about hundreds of sudden deaths, the ham said that the deaths were covered up and the victims were buried in a secret mass grave. Uh, yeah, right. Sure.

And of course, its funny to listen to the anti-vax hams, who proclaim the vaccines are poison designed to kill us all. If they don’t kill us, they change our DNA, and we don’t know what we’ll turn into. Its mind control, of course. And tracking, can’t forget that. The irony is fascinating — why the hell would anyone work to make a tracking device so small to pass through a vaccination needle when nearly everyone carries around a device that actually DOES track our every move — our cell phones. Don’t see many people protesting on the street corner about the loss of privacy, hmmm??

Of course, then you have the other hams — the vaxxer and mask-wearers — who are friends with the anti-vaxxers and point out that they are fully vaccinated and haven’t died yet or sprouted a third arm out of their forehead, or ANY of the claims the anti-vaxxer make have not come to pass.

There was a true whacko who used to broadcast on 75 phone each night railing against, well, you name it — the Catholic church, the government, the New World Order, etc. He used to claim that George W. Bush was going to declare marshal law and suspend the Constitutions … then he would turn over control of the U.S. to the Pope, who, by the way, was the Antichrist. Well, actually, he expected that Pope John Paul II would rise from the dead to take his place as the true Antichrist. This guy finally went off the air, I think the FCC eventually had to get involved.

Enough rambling, time to QRT …. 73 es CUL … de KY4Z … SK SK … (dit dit)